Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 683

Chapter 683


Sabrina wasnt in the mood to cook at the moment. She joined Bettie in discussing Lunch options. Then she sat on the sofa, lost in thought.

Since the kidnappers were so capable, the hostage must be an important figure.

If she wanted to continue her investigation, she knew she couldnt do it alone.

A penny for your thoughts? Bettie asked.

Just pondering a few things. Sabrinas lips curled into a faint smile, her composure returning. By the way, do you know any private detectives in Mathias?

Private detectives? Why do you ask? Bettie widened her eyes, curious.

Who do you want to investigate?

I want to investigate the truck driver who killed my father, Sabrina answered, her voice firm.

She didnt elaborate. A knowing glance passed between them, and Bettie nodded in silent comprehension.

After Connor died, Sabrina was adopted by the Blakely family and received donations from various people. Additionally, she inherited savings from her deceased fathers estate. As a result, she didnt have to worry about money or survival. She wanted to seek revenge against the truck driver who killed her father.

Despite the heavy sentence imposed on the truck driver, it paled in comparison to the loss of Sabrinas father. He meant everything to her.

It was understandable that she found it difficult to let go and accept the situation.

Unfortunately, I dont know of any reputable private detectives, but I can help you inquire about it, Bettie offered.

Thanks. But be careful and discreet. I dont want anyone to find out about it.

Of course. Ill tread carefully, Bettie assured. By the way, did Bradley tell you that he asked us out for dinner?

Furrowing her brows, Sabrina quickly checked her phone. She realized that Bradley had sent her a message. She had been too focused on the kidnapping investigation to notice it earlier.

Did he say what time? Why dont we invite Aylin and make it a group dinner?

Great idea. Ill ask Aylin if shes free tonight.

At 5 p.m., Sabrina and Bettie arrived at the restaurant where Bettie had made a prior reservation.

Shortly after, Aylin and Bradley walked through the door and joined them at the table.

When Bradley saw Sabrina, he asked with concern, Sabrina, Im sorry about the other day. Are you alright now?

